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Monday, April 19, 2010

Carbon emission

In summer, temperature goes up at extreme level in some Asian countries like, Bangladesh,Indian ,Pakistan or in African countries or in Europe or America.On the other hand ,during the winter temperature goes down at extreme level of mercury in Europe ,Asia or America: just couple months ago wild freezing winter in Great Britain for couple of weeks continuously, which is unprecedented. Sea level is going up; consequently, some coastal countries are going to be engulfed by sea: their mainlands are going to be shrinked gradually,as a result ,millions of people are turning into homeless every year .Bangladesh, India are the glaring examples of this phenomenon; people of coastal areas of these two countries are terrible victims of sea level every year.Most of thepeople of these areas very poor and uneducated.Due to sea level rise , they lost all of their lands, properties and even their homes. Being homeless, they are trying to migrate to different parts of the country or to some other countries of the world.But unfortunately none of them know , why they are homeless, rather they blame their destiny.Sea level rise is the direct consequent of global warming; carbon emission is mostly liable for global warming.Any educated person can understand all the causes of carbon emission and which countries are responsible for excessive carbon emission. At present some of the poor countries are facing the disasters of global warming but sooner or later all the countries of world must face the dangerous consequences of global warming.