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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

rivers and bangladesh

Bangladesh is a land of rivers. More than two hundred rivers have been flowing across the country; The Padma , the Meghna and the Jamuna  are the largest rivers of Bangladesh. . Life  without rivers is beyond imgination .

All the rivers of Bangladesh is heart and soul of the land. Agriculture , economy and life-style of the people depends on the existence of rivers to a large extent  but the plight of these rivers is very poor and devastating ; there are many reasons behind this situation . Most of the rivers are getting dry , losing their own stream-lines . Dishonest land grabbers are illegally occupying the rivers ; neighbouring country India  has been making dams across the big rivers , ignoring international laws ; which has already made dangerous environmental impacts on the rivers and lands of Bangladesh .

Friday, August 5, 2011

carbon pollution and australia

Carbon pollution is going to be a devastating threat and risk to our planet earth ; global warming is one of direct consequences of excessive carbon pollution . In terms of carbon pollution , Australia is widely responsible for producing more carbon pollution in the world because every person in Australia is producing more carbon pollution than any one else in any where of our universe .There are many reasons behind Australia's carbon pollution , one of the main causes is production of electricity by burning coals. Mostly power is produced in Australia by burning coals , which produces carbon in a monster way and other causes are contributing to some extent ; these are mining industry , transport industry and deforestations . In order to reduce the carbon pollution, Australian government is strongly determined to introduce Carbon Tax but Opposition parties are dead against of Carbon Tax.